People Involved in Dr Turberville's Morris
All about the people
This page tells you about the current members of Dr Turberville's Morris, including thumbnail photos to help you identify the culprits. Clicking on any photo will (might!) (one day) lead to a page with more information than you could possibly want to have about that person, and the more incriminating photos from our collections.
We've been lucky enough to get an influx of new members in the last couple of years, and they are all listed here and I now have thumbnail photographs for everyone - admittedly some of the thumbnails are a bit low resolution so new images will be uploaded as soon as I get them!
All the people
There are also links to pages of past members and some of those essential people who help out when we are out and about. Unfortunately I haven't been able to list every barman and barmaid we've ever met but they would certainly come under this heading if I could.
Page Contents
The links in the box on the left will take you to any sections of this page which tickle your interest. Within each section, where further information is available further links (underlined) will take you to other pages.
Who's Who - Meet the Members
2012 - 2013 Season
Member | Official Role | Other Notes | |
Bryan Aldridge | Hon member | ||
Jan Aldridge | 'Just making up the numbers'! | ||
Sarah Churchill | |||
Ken Coles | Bagman | ||
Jo Cooper | |||
Neil Cooper | Squire | ||
Nick Cooper | |||
Alan Curtis | Moneybags | Tends to be the one who does all the shouting. | |
Heather Curtis | |||
Dave Easeman | Musician (violin or recorder) and dancer | Can fiddle while dancing! And dance while fiddling! | |
Fiona Easeman | |||
Andrew Knight | Foreman and Fool | ||
Barabara Llewellyn-Sheppard | |||
Len Llewellyn-Sheppard | |||
Dave Steel | Musician (bass) and webmaster | also tackling publicity. | |
Linda Tunbridge | Publicity. | ||
Tony Warren | Musician (mandolin / banjo) | ||
Janet Whitteridge | Musician (piccolo and flute) | ||
Could be you? | VACANCY! | Always room for more members - follow link to contact details |
Officers - Who does what?
The "officers" of the side are "elected" (or "chosen" or have their arms twisted or otherwise "nominated") each year. The current incumbents are:
- Squire (Neil)
The Squire is the public representative of the morris side. When out, the Squire liaises with the organiser of any event, or the pub landlord, etc. The Squire also decides what dances we will perform. This often makes him or her very unpopular!
- Foreman (Andrew)
The Foreman is responsible for teaching the dances during the practice season. He or she is therefore entirely responsible for our standard of performance. This usually makes him or her unpopular as well!
- Moneybags (Alan)
The Moneybags pays the bills, collects the payment for paid appearances such as fetes, and extracts subs from the other members during the practice season. This makes him or her unpopular!
- Bagman (Ken, assisted by Jan and Bryan)
The Bagman is the first point of contact for bookings and is responsible for organising a programme of events for the dancing season. It is traditional that at least 90% of the events should be beyond reasonable travelling distance for at least 60% of the side, 40% of the dancing surfaces should be hazardous, and of the remaining events the majority should be (a) poorly paid, (b) too far from a bar or (c) no food should be offered. This often makes him or her unpopular!
- Scrapbook Keeper (Andrew)
The Scrapbook Keeper collects together a record of the side's activities and performance during the year. This usually takes the form of action photographs and other pictures of the side in compromising positions, and makes him or her unpopular! Some highlights (and lowlights!) of the side's history have been extracted from the scrapbooks and are included in this website; other parts are best forgotten!
- Keeper of the Music (Tony)
The Keeper of the Music chooses appropriate tunes to fit the dances, entertain the audience (assuming they are not entertained by watching the dance), and not bore the musicians to death
- Musician(s) (Tony and Dave and Janet and Dave, etc.?)
The Musicians attempt to play the nominated tunes, together and in time. They are universally popular, admired and loved, even when they believe the tune should be played twice as fast (or twice as slow) as the dancers can move their legs!
- Fool (Andrew)
We're not entirely sure what a fool should do, nor what this fool will do. Could be that he'll spend a lot of time trying to show the Squire (qv) up? Tradition within the side has had it that the fool should be the best dancer. Time will tell!
- Publicity (Linda and Dave)
What it says!
Past Members
Dr Turberville's Morris was (were?) formed in 1982 and the first dance performance was in 1983. Since that time there have been a large number of members, some lasting for just one year while others have stayed with us for a decade or more. We have tried to identify everyone in the pages which follow but there may be one or two who escaped without being recorded anywhere!
The members are listed in five - year groups in the links below. Following any link will take you to a new page with the complete cast list for the five years in question, and, if you have a fancy browser which can display in-line frames (and who hasn't?) you can get more details of each person in a separate frame beside the list. If you can't see it, then you'd better wait until I figure out how to display it more conventionally. Probably by using normal links. Which means you'll have to keep clicking "back" to return to the list and choose the next person. Remember, I'm no web programming expert, I prefer to spend my time dancing - is that so wrong? Do I deserve the blame, the stigma associated with having a web site which is less than perfect? (Goes off sobbing...)
All past members!
New in October 2006 - I now have all the ex-members listed in a single page. Much more convenient I think you'll agree. At least you might agree if ever get around to uploading it to the Awardspace site.
- NEW! 11 Oct 2006 IMPROVED! 15 Oct 2006: 1982 - 2006